Sigmund Freud's most notable followers were:
C.G. Jung, the founder of the "Analytical Psychology". He contributed considerably to Freud's "orthodox" teachings, by coining the term "complex" for example.
Alfred Adler was the founder of the "Individual Psychology". Further followers and disciples of Freud were Herbert Silberer, Wilhelm Stekel, and Otto Rank.
However, most of his notable followers pursued their own ideas and methods and eventually broke with him, at least partially. Freud was deeply hurt about this. Only today psychoanalysts of the third generation so to speak seek to join forces again stressing unifying ideas and principles.
Freud's daughter Dr. Anna Freud (1895-1982), however, was to become his most notable follower. Already in 1934 she had been heading the Institute of the Viennese Society of Psychoanalysis. Through seminars and from 1937 onwards through leading the Montessori kindergarten on Vienna's Rudolfsplatz she had already become widely known and accepted in international psychoanalytical circles. In 1938 she emigrated to England with her parents. She was working at the War Children's Home "Hamstead Nurseries", founded 1940, which in 1947 was to turn into her Hamstead Child-Therapy Courses, a school for child psychoanalysis.
Freud's psychoanalytical principles had a strong impact on literature (for instance Graham Greene's novels) and modern painting as well.